Vrij Normaal

Vrij Normaal (Quite Normal)

”The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad” – Salvador Dalí

We search for patterns and logic to understand the world around us. Unexpected events and deviations from the norm can upset our balance. We are most comfortable when life follows the usual routine. People who deviate from this known path are often labeled and classified.

A tribute to madness

To an outsider, the world of a labeled person can seem like an unrealistic world where madness prevails. But this “madness” can challenge us to think differently and explore new perspectives. We can learn from deviations and we should celebrate craziness.

For me, deviations are a source of new insights and creativity. By embracing these deviations, I can see the world around me in new ways.

‘Vrij Normaal’ is an art installation in which imagery and audio reinforce each other. A large screen pulls the viewer in, immersing them in the experience.

This project was part of

Festival-Off | FotoFestival Naarden

DOCfeed | Documentary film festival Eindhoven

DOCfeed is a documentary film festival. In addition to the regular film program, there is an exhibition where photographers and filmmakers display their projects. ‘Vrij Normaal’ was part of this exhibition in 2020.

In Motion | Chasse Theater Breda | Cultuurnacht

In collaboration with Chassé Cinema and Meyrem Altuntepe, I curated the exhibition ‘In Motion’, which was part of Cultuurnacht Breda 2020. The exhibition showcased projects of talented local filmmakers, artists, photographers, and designers. Each project was related to the medium of film, but went beyond the cinema experience as you know it.

Graduation Show | AKV | St. Joost Breda


+31 6 18 67 08 25

Aline Eikelboom